Holy Society of Ezra: Beyond Borders

The church has been actively growing and expanding beyond its borders. Just this year alone, our priests were able to go out and celebrate mass in all of our Bible outreaches and mission churches. By the grace of God and the efforts of our ministry workers, we were able to start a new Bible outreach in Aliputos, Numancia. Not only that but by God’s faithfulness and goodness, our mission church in Candelaria was given a piece of land to build their church. A true testament of God’s mighty hand at work in our mission communities.

However, there is so much work to do in furthering this ministry. We still have a long way to go and more places to be at to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. We believe that there is no limit to where God can lead and provide to further His kingdom; all we need to do is believe in His promise and do our part. With that said, the Holy Society of St. Ezra is highly encouraging each and every one of you to take part in reaching out and establishing communities.