Trinity Sunday – May 26, 2024

Theme: “Go and Proclaim: Our believing of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, assures us of Everlasting Life”

First Reading: Isaiah 6:1-5

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 78

Second Proclamation: Romans 8:12-17

Gospel Proclamation: John 3:7-16


Homily by Fr. Romie-Jun Peñalosa

On Easter Sunday, we gather to celebrate and thank God for the gift of new life through Jesus Christ. Previously, on Pentecost Sunday, we thanked God for the gift of the Holy Spirit. In this Sunday homily, Fr. Romie-Jun encourages us to shift our focus. He reminds us that our gratitude should not solely be for what God has given us, but for God Himself and for Who He truly is.

Every Sunday is, in essence, a Trinity Sunday. We worship God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We bless His Name during the Mass, in the Sacraments, and as we profess our faith in the Creeds. We believe in One God in Three Persons. The Trinity is a mystery, and we cannot fully comprehend the depths of God; we can only understand what has been revealed to us. Our Triune God is not merely a subject to be studied but a mystery to be embraced. We worship One God in the Trinity:  Three Persons in Unity and undivided substance. The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God; and yet, not three Gods but one God. The heart of the matter is, how can our faith in this profound mystery be manifested in our lives?

To live in the love of God is to live in community. God is in communion with Himself. Just as the Father never left the Son, we are assured that God will never abandon us in times of problems and despair. Love constantly flows in God, and therefore, we are to live in the love of the Three-in-One. As we share in His love, let us also love one another.  We are to will the highest good of the other by willfully ordering our lives for their benefit.

Moreover, as God revealed Himself to us, we should not hide this from our children (Psalm 78). The next generation can know about the Trinity, not only by our words but by the way we live in a community where love, forgiveness, and compassion abound.

Let us live in love. Have a happy and blessed Trinity Sunday!

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