In this Sunday Homily at Saint Michael Kalibo, Fr. Romie- Jun reminded us that as we enter this Holy Week, we should focus on the love of Christ that redeemed us with His blood. Let us not forget the benefits that God has given to us. He loves us so much that He embraced humanity for us to be saved. He never leave us – in our success or failures. And we also should remain with Jesus even if problems come after us.

In the Passion Gospel, there are different kinds of people that Jesus encountered. Firstly, the three disciples who fell asleep when Jesus invited them to pray with Him. We, as people, also tend to sleep or forget about Jesus. Second, the people who judged Him. We also are judgmental to other people- evaluating others without even evaluating our hearts. Instead of judging, let us help others because what we do to others is what we do to Christ. Third, being neutral. Pontius Pilate chose to be neutral in the situation that He had faced. In Jesus, neutrality is not an option because as He said in His word, “If you are not for me, you are against me”. We should take the side of truth. And lastly, the soldiers who mocked Jesus. As Christians, we should not mock people especially fellow Christians.

Jesus came down from heaven and stayed with us. We should also do the same. Remain with Christ, especially this season of Holy Week.

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