The Light in Christ's Resurrection
by: Dcn. James Tapacion

Truly Christ is risen no matter what our circumstances are. The light of the risen Lord will always shine on us. As I look back on the challenges that I faced personally as well as the challenges my church faced, I am humbled and reminded by how great our God’s love is for us. That as we celebrate Easter, we should remember the magnitude of God’s love and the lengths He would do to shower us with this kind of love.
One of my prayers even when I was not yet a deacon of my church was a restoration of more if not all ministries in the Church of the Holy Family. I pray that more of my brothers and sisters in Christ as well as the youth will commit in serving God in His church here in Cebu. However, when the pandemic hit and the movement of people was restricted by the government task force, it felt impossible to happen. But what we thought was a hindrance to the church was actually used by God to further His plans. During the pandemic, some of us were ordained into the Holy Orders and that gave us more responsibilities inside and outside of our church. For this reason, it gave way for others to also have the opportunity to work in the ministries. Some of us that were ordained had to slowly pass the leadership and responsibility of the ministry to our brethren who are called by God for certain ministries. Despite the inconvenient circumstances brought by the pandemic, God still answered my prayers. His light still shone on us even in the darkest of times.
Looking at it today makes me remember the testimony I have 7 years ago. I remember that faithful time when my son and I were hit by a swerving jeepney en route to church. I was in immense pain to the point I could not move my body. I remembered praying that God would quicken my body so I could attend mass that day. After some time, I was able to slowly move my body and my son was doing alright. The driver of the jeepney left us and instead of dwelling too much time on it, I asked my son if he could still serve as an acolyte that day to which he replied “Yes, Pa!” Again, even at inconvenient situations, God still answered my prayers.
God answering my prayers in the moments I need it most for me or for my church is a living testimony that God loves us. And that in the resurrection of Jesus Christ we were given the light of God to shine on others as well.
May the joy of Christ’s resurrection be with us all as we continue to expand our church beyond our borders.