”Standing Firm in Godly Generosity”
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time- September 25, 2022
First Reading: Amos 6:1-7
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 146:2-4,5-7,8-9
Second Reading: 1 Timothy 6:17-19
Gospel Reading: Luke 16:19-31

“If there is one thing that heaven cannot tolerate, it is our hatred to our brothers”. (Fr. Jun)

For the past Sundays, our gospel readings are all in parables. And just like the many teachings Jesus has been sharing to us, the story of Lazarus and the rich man today is another reflection of how we are going to live our lives as Christians.


Today’s homily focuses on how we should live a life of love, particularly to love Christ. It is very important that as we learn, we grow and have deep-rooted love for Him through the years. The more we walk with Christ, the more we should fall in love with Him, every day of our lives. It is a commandment given to us from the beginning.


I Corinthians 16:22 reminds us the truth of life. Jesus is teaching us that without loving God, life is hell already. Cursed is the life without God’s love; but grace is there to those who love Christ sincerely. (Ephesians 6). The rich man in the parable is tormented because throughout his life, he never had compassion in his heart for others. He might have all the riches but he never felt love. As we can hear from the gospel, Lazarus was just outside the gate of the house of the rich man, but he never showed compassion to him. This is the reason why he is tormented even in the next life because he never loved and always hated his brothers.


We are followers of Jesus. And to be followers of Christ, we have to love Him. Because He said himself that anyone who follows Him is His disciple and therefore a disciple should love. This is the essence of our Christian life. Wwe are living a life of blessing and grace because we obey Jesus. So, how do we love Jesus? By showing compassion to others. By being generous in love because generosity is the expression of our compassion for other people. When we love, we are no longer thinking of ourselves only. A person could never be happy thinking about himself only. And when we learn to love God, heaven is everywhere already.


To love Jesus means that we have to be compassionately generous to our neighbors.


Generosity is an expression of compassion. Our attitude of giving and sharing comes from a heart that is in love with Jesus. And how does God show us compassion? John 3:16 clearly states it. God never holds back anything in giving us. Why? Because He wants our life to overflow in blessings and thanksgiving; that wherever we go, people will partake also of that blessings.


What do you have in life right now? Money? Time? Talent? Then be generous in sharing it. When we really love Jesus, we should be compassionately generous to other people


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