December 24, 2020 Theme: “Living in Christ: The Light That Shines in the Darkness” Homily by Fr. Erel Villanueva Old Testament Proclamation : Isaiah 52:7-10 New Testament Proclamation: Hebrews 1:1-5a Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 96 Gospel Proclamation: Luke 2:1-14

Today, amidst the chaos, the pandemic, and the uncertainties, this is the good news:

“Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” Luke 2:14 NKJV

The birth of Jesus Christ brings joy. And we rejoice because our Saviour is born. The birth of Christ brings peace. Let us continue to pray, and offer our praise and worship to God. These things that we do are the evidence that fear doesn’t control us—and we must never let fear reign in our hearts.

The birth of Christ brings goodwill and favor. We receive all the grace, mercy, favor and blessings from God because of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. The celebration of Christmas leads us to mission—His birth is also a responsibility. We’ve been celebrating Christmas Candle Light Service for more than 30 years. Let’s take time to asses and ask ourselves, “In all these years, what have I learned?”

May this joyous celebration not end as tradition but as mission. In verses 14-18 of Luke 1, the shepherds heard the praises from the angel and the heavenly hosts to God. They went to Bethlehem and when they saw Jesus, they made widely known Jesus. They became missionaries.

The celebration of Christmas leads to the mission: bringing the good news.

We must go to the world and bring the good news of salvation. Our mission must not only be confined inside the four corners of the church only. And we proclaim this through our lives; seeking to bring peace and compassion to the world just as Jesus did.

Homily Recap by Faith Esto

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