7th Sunday of Epiphany – Transfiguration Sunday
First Reading: Exodus 24: 12-18
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 99:1-3,5-7,8-9
Second Reading: 2 Peter 1: 16-21
Gospel Reading: Matthew 17:1-9
Homily by Fr. Romie-June Peñalosa

The last Sunday of Epiphany is also known as Transfiguration Sunday. Transfiguration means “to be changed”.

Today’s gospel is an invitation of Jesus Christ to all of us to follow Him; to climb up the mountain with Him. Meaning, we should take extra effort to be with Him. Yes, it’s good to enjoy the comforts, love, safety, and protection of the Lord, but then that will only get us stuck. Staying in our comfort zones confronts us of our tendency to be religious instead of living in holiness. Jesus’ invitation to James, Peter, and John to follow Him includes a promise of a transformed life. They were no longer fishers of fish but of men. And being with Jesus for a long time, they were already accustomed to His life, yet Jesus deliberately brought them up to the mountain so that finally they can witness the confirmation of God on who He really was. See, Jesus’ invitation to us to follow Him and climb up with Him signifies that only those who obey and are willing to exert extra effort to be with Him will see and experience the glory of God. Like Moses who responded to God to meet Him in Mt. Sinai and stayed there for forty days and nights communing with God. Jesus wants us also to experience the same in our life.

The transfiguration narrative in the gospel today shows already the role of the church after Christ’s death. It foretells the purpose of the church, which is the mission. And before doing the mission, we need to understand these lessons:

Listen. Spend time and listen to God. Seek Him and be with Him every day so that we can hear the voice of the Father. Read and meditate His word. He is talking to us when we read and study His word.
Rise up and Go. Do not stay where we are. Do not allow circumstances in life to prevent us from rising up to where God wanted us to be. Do not allow anybody or anything in this world to stop us from becoming the person He wants us to be. See not our limitations, instead let us focus on our God who is limitless. Let us not be afraid to follow God, let us overcome our setbacks.
Proclaim. Be bold enough to speak about Christ not just by words but by our lives.

The transfiguration calls us to be transformed like Christ. Our availability is what God is looking from us, not just our ability. So, let us challenge ourselves to say “Here I am, Lord” when He calls or invites us to follow Him and climb up with Him 

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