Palm Sunday

Entry Gospel Reading: Luke 19:29-40

First Reading: Isaiah 50:4-9

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 31:9-15

Second Reading: Philippians 2:5-11

Gospel Reading: Luke 22:3923:49

Our theme for today talks about Christ Who chose to suffer for us, implying to us that in Him, God’s love for us was manifested (John 3: 16), that He came to us to save us from our sins.
Palm Sunday marks Jesus’ entrance in Jerusalem, knowing that here, God’s purposes will be consummated. He entered Jerusalem with humility- embodying that we are to humble ourselves before the Lord, making our souls as the garments we spread before Him (Joel 2: 13). Let us accompany the Lord as we hasten towards His passion. By doing so, we could submit ourselves to Him with humility. We are to clothe ourselves with righteousness before God and spread His righteousness.
Adam’s sin is not the original sin that we inherited, but it’s the condition that we have because of that sin. But since Jesus chose to suffer, St. John Chrysostom spoke about Jesus in this way: “I am father, saith Christ, I am brother, I am bridegroom, I am dwelling place, I am food, I am raiment, I am root, I am foundation: all whatsoever thou desirest, I am. Be thou in need of nothing. I will be even a servant, for I came to minister, not to be ministered unto; I am friend, and member, and head, and brother, and sister, and mother; I am all, only cling thou closely to Me. I was poor for thee, and a wanderer for thee, on the cross for thee, in the tomb for thee, above, I intercede for thee; on earth, I come for thy sake an ambassador from My father. Thou art all things to Me: brother, and joint heir, and friend, and member. What wouldest thou more?”
Our Lord Jesus Christ did everything for us, let us do what the church urges us so. Let’s glorify His unspeakable mercy, not just on this day, but the entire Holy Week to commemorate His holy passion and take part of His sufferings- doing it with a humble heart. Come with purified minds so that we may live in Him for all His sacrifices. Choose to be crucified with Him. Choose to believe so that our life may become the proclamation of that light.
Homily Recap by Riana Chelle Montero

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