18th Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 4, 2024

Theme: “Go and Proclaim: “Jesus, Food Everlasting”
First Proclamation: Exodus 16: 2-4, 12-15
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 78: 15-25
Second Proclamation: 1 Corinthians 10: 1-6
Gospel Proclamation: John 6: 24-35

Homily by Bp. Romie- Jun Peñalosa

In this Sunday Mass Homily at Saint Michael Kalibo, +Bp. Romie- Jun reminds us that Jesus is the Bread of Life. His life must flow in our lives. Changes in our lives are inevitable because everything is passing away. If we are not careful, we will change but we will not progress. We should learn to change for the better. We can not do it if we are holding on to things that are passing away.

In the Gospel, Jesus told the people not to work for food that spoils. This means that we are not to cling to things that are temporary. When we center our lives on the things that we crave, temporal things will only give temporary satisfaction. Instead we are to seek the things that are eternal. One thing that is eternal is JESUS.

If we are going to change our lives in Jesus, we should come to His table by participating in the Eucharist, partaking the Body and the Blood of Jesus. We partake as a community so we should learn to forgive others. Partaking of Him also means hearing from Him. When God speaks to you, take it. Put your faith and confidence in what God said.

Seeking for the things that are eternal is a process. But always remember to stick to the Truth, Who is Jesus, the Bread of Life.


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