5th Sunday in Lent March 26, 2023

Theme: Go and Proclaim: “Jesus, the only Resurrection and the Life”

First Reading: Ezekiel 37:1-14

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 130: 1-2,3-4,5-6,7-8

Second Reading: Romans 8:8-11

Gospel Reading: John 11:18-2


In today’s Sunday Mass Homily at Saint Michael Kalibo, Fr. Jun reminds us that God always answers our prayers. However sometimes, we want to know everything, like how God would answer our prayers. But God is teaching us to listen to Him and have faith first. God will do everything, but before God will do something in our lives, He will talk to us through His Word. The Word of God goes first before the miracles happen. He can do beyond what we ask. He will do miracles and it is our responsibility to believe. In the Gospel, Jesus spoke or prophesied to Lazarus before he came to back to life, just as how God spoke to Ezekiel before the dry bones came into flesh. It reminds us that everyone is listening- from the angels in heaven up to the dead bodies, so we also must listen to God.

Lent is the season for us to listen to God and be silent, taking away the things that hinder us from hearing Him. God is about to do something great to us, a greater glory that will happen in our lives. We must continue to affirm it, that the problem that we have right now will be gone tomorrow. No matter how great the problem is, God will do something great.


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