8th Sunday of Epiphany

First Reading: Exodus 34:29-35

Psalm Reading: Psalm 99

Second Reading: 2 Peter 1:13-18

Gospel Reading: Luke 9:28-36

Homily by Fr. Erel Villanueva

Today’s Gospel ushers us into the Lenten Season – a season of self-examination, repentance, and amendment of life. The transfiguration of our Lord reveals His glory as God. It is also one way for the Father to encourage and affirm His plan.

It also reminds us about our own spiritual transfiguration everyday as we walk in the Lord. Transfiguration means “change in appearance that comes from within.” Transfiguration is similar to transformation, to change or alter. Matthew and Mark use this word but Luke used alter or change.

How do we experience this transformation in our lives?


Luke emphasizes prayer as one factor to have a transformed life. As we spend time in prayer, we soak ourselves in His presence. We become sensitive to His voice as His Spirit intermingles with our spirit. We could see and understand His ways. However while Jesus was praying, James, Peter, and John did the reverse. They were sleeping, that’s why they didn’t understand what was going on. They even repeated this mistake in the garden of Gethsemane. No wonder Peter reacted in his own way because he didn’t understand the plan of God. “Sleeping” can also mean that we don’t give much attention to the things of God because we have other priorities or we are just lazy.

2.) Word of God.

Romans12:1-2 says that we are transformed by the renewing of our mind with the Word as we surrender our mind, body, and will to God. The Lord transforms us from within so that we will not conform to the ways of the world, that’s why God told them “Hear Him.” Changes in us do not happen overnight, it’s a decision and a process of daily dying to ourselves.

3.)Holy Spirit

The theological name for this experience is called Sanctification. A process in growing into holiness and transforming into the image of our Lord Jesus. The Holy Spirit sanctifies us, consciously or unconsciously, whether we like it or not. We should submit to His dealings in our lives, changing us from glory to glory, day by day, (2 Cor.3:18).

Lastly, I would like to add the Sacrament an avenue of grace to us, let the sacraments work in our lives as we combined it with faith and in the process our lives become a reflection of Jesus to the world.

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