Trinity Sunday – June 4, 2023
First Reading: Genesis 1:26-31, 1-4
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 8
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 13:5-13
Gospel Reading: Matthew 28:16-20
Today, the Church celebrates Trinity Sunday. However, how many of us truly know or understand what the Trinity is? As Catholics, we need to learn this well because this is the foundation of our faith.
The Trinity is our faith that we worship one God Who exists in Three distinct Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Although they are not the same, they are inseparable and united. This revelation of God of Himself is difficult for us to comprehend, and it will always remain a mystery beyond human understanding.
To illustrate the Trinity, Father Jun shared a story about St. Augustine’s dream of a child who tried to collect the vastness of the sea in a small hole. It represents the impossibility of fully grasping the Trinity, as God is incomprehensible. However, while God is not someone to be analyzed, we can develop a personal relationship with Him and communicate with Him to begin to understand Him.
In today’s gospel reading, Jesus commissioned us to “go and make disciples of all nations.” So, how do we fulfill this mission? We should start within our own homes and families. We must establish a relationship with God together with our loved ones. Once we have done so, we can extend this relationship to our wider community by baptizing others in the name of the Trinity. It is important for the Church to understand that baptism is not merely a symbolic act of sprinkling water but a profound immersion of our lives in the life of the Holy Trinity. Thus, baptism marks the beginning of an ongoing journey with God.
We must be mindful of how we live our lives, for we are like living Bibles that our family, friends, and community read each day. In baptism, Father Jun reminds us of three key points to consider:
- Communion: Our God is One in Three Persons, undivided and inseparable. Their union is so perfect that we cannot find nor see where they differ or separate from each other. It is the deepest longing for each other that they cannot be separated.
- Prayer is the key to communion with God. We need to learn to listen to God. Communication is responding to communion.
- Trinity is unity. As people of God, we share a common understanding of God’s love. Therefore, we work together as one for God, even amidst our diversity in character, attitude, and principles of life.
Father Jun encourages us to cultivate a deep appreciation of our life in God. Although we may never fully comprehend God, let us open ourselves to experiencing Him in our lives through constant communion, communication, and living out our faith within the community.
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