November 23, 2016 | Wednesday Fellowship Service (+Fr. Erel Villanueva)

Topic: The Lordship of Christ in Our Lives

“We have to develop our faith on the Lordship and Kingship of Christ in our lives.”

“Jesus reigns yesterday, today, and forever no matter what happens around us.”

“Unless we settle the issue of Lordship in our lives, we cannot experience the fullness of the Kingdom.”

“Confessing God as our Lord and Savior without action will just remain a confession.”

Colossians 1:16 – Shows us that God is in full control of everything. All things were created through Him and for Him.

“Everything is connected to God, so we need to seek Him always, His will and purposes for our lives.”

“God is in full control of our lives if we die everyday and only do His will. Let Him be King not ourselves; obey the Spirit and not the flesh – Only Jesus fulfilled this. That is why we always need the grace of God.”

Philippians 2:7 – but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.

“Our King is a humble King, dying on the cross for you and me. He is already secured in His position as a King, even if others are mocking Him.”

Luke 23:33-43

  • When our egos our challenged, our defenses are up. But Jesus, mocked on the cross, prayed “Father, forgive them…”. He is secured on who He is; He chose to serve than be served.
  • May we always see Jesus as our King.
  • The greatest of all is to be humble and obey God.