Go and Proclaim: The LORD is inviting everyone to His Feast

First Reading: Isaiah 25:1-9

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 106:1-3; 4-5; 48

Second Reading: Philippians 4:4-7

Gospel Reading: Matthew 22:1-14



Today’s Gospel (Matthew 22:1-14) tells the story of a wedding banquet prepared by God Himself. In this parable, a king filled with excitement invites all the people in his kingdom to celebrate his son’s wedding. This parable reveals profound characteristics of the Kingdom of God. What can we learn from it?

First, in the kingdom of God, there are always good and bad people. Second, we must ask ourselves, are we easy or difficult to invite? God continually extends His invitations to us, and yet, like the people in the parable, we often make excuses and reject His calls. Every call and command from Him is for our ultimate good. He invites us, and He has already prepared suitable clothing for us to wear when we enter His kingdom; we just need to accept the invitation and be willing to be clothed by Him. The parable serves as a wake-up call to the danger of consistently rejecting God’s invitations.

Secondly, once we respond to God’s call, we should not insist on our own will when we enter into a loving relationship with Him. We need to allow the Lord to transform our lives. Having tasted God’s goodness, we should no longer cling to our own will. We must serve God on His terms and worship Him in the way He wants. When we bind ourselves to Him, it’s no longer about us but about Him being visible through us.

The first reading (Isaiah 25:1-9) emphasizes the significance of the banquet. Attending God’s banquet is a matter of life and death. Firstly, it is a Messianic banquet, with everything prepared by the Messiah. Secondly, it is salvific and has the power to save us. Thirdly, it’s meant for all, and lastly, it has the ability to conquer death. The banquet represents God’s life, where He consistently invites us to partake with Him for us to receive His love. Every day, God extends His invitation, and we must never turn Him away.

The second reading speaks about joy (Philippians 4:4-7), for joy is the mark of someone who does not reject God. We need to rejoice with God and establish a daily connection through prayer.

Today, let’s not harden our hearts to God’s invitation. Let us put on the garments that God has prepared for us: grace, righteousness, and humility. Respond to His invitation and let God clothe you, for, as the Gospel reminds us, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:14)

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