16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Go and Proclaim: “Sow the Good Seeds in the World”
July 23, 2023

First Reading: Isaiah 44:1-8
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 139:1-3,4-6,7-10
Second Reading: Romans 8:12-18
Gospel Reading: Matthew 13:36-43


Our Gospel today is the continuation of the parable of the sower last Sunday. Here, Jesus explained the side of the sower/planter.

Jesus uses parables to encourage us to think. Parables are effective ways to teach the principles of the kingdom of God. Jesus as the greatest teacher knows exactly the things that people can relate well to. These parables make complex topics accessible and relatable.

The first reading teaches us that there is nothing impossible with God. He is saying (through Isaiah) that we just need to look and focus on Him because He can turn every bad thing into good things. Our thirst, our hunger, our longing for something in life…He can always fill and satisfy.

The second reading tells us about our sharing together of our lives to Christ. When we are in Christ, we become co-heirs of the benefits of Christ. We enjoy every thing God the Father has given to Him. He is so generous that even His only Son was given to us. But understand also that when we share in His blessings, we share also in His sufferings; because we are no longer guests in His house, we are His children, His family.

The first lesson from our gospel reading today is that “Nothing evil comes from God.” Jesus, being the sower/planter in the parable, never planted tares/weeds. Yet sometimes He allows them to grow with the wheat (the good seeds.) Our world today is the field, where we can see manifestations of what God has planted — such as the churches, the lives of the saints, the Christian communities, etc. However we also need to realize that wherever the Lord plants, evil with the intent to corrupt follows.

Wickedness always try to follow every great move of God. But understand that this is not a battle between good and evil. Satan is no match to God. Yet how come we still suffer or have problems? Because sometimes we fall asleep (spiritual sleep) and fail to notice that the enemy is already invading our place. Corruption and wickedness enters our life when we loosen our guard. That’s why Jesus reminds us to “watch and pray” together.

Evil always try to leech on to what is good. Unfortunately, evil can sometimes be successful in corrupting what is good. But know that it is never authored by God. Evil creeps into our life when we are not spiritually attentive. Uprooting evil is a delicate process but sometimes, God allows this evil to happen so He can turn it into something good.

Finally, we need to realize that there are evil works that only God can stop. Let us simply cling on to God. Let us look at the sower who stayed calm when he realized that the enemy planted tares on his field was wise enough not to pull them out lest he risk pulling out the wheat too. He patiently waits for them to be ready for harvest. In the same manner, we should also not allow our emotion to run over us when facing enemies. Instead, we should be spiritually awake, looking on and focusing on Jesus.


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