Fifth Sunday After Epiphany

First Reading: Isaiah 6:1-8

Psalm Reading: Psalm 138

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:3-10

Gospel Reading: Luke 5:1-11

Homily by Fr. Andy Illustre

Luke 5:1-11 reminds us to become partakers of the Lord’s work.

God is calling people for His Kingdom. He calls us to become fruitful members of His kingdom. Being members of His kingdom means to represent Christ and His church, to bear witness to Him wherever they may be, according to the gifts given to us.

Peter rose to the challenge in obedience to God. Because of His faith, despite the contrary circumstances, he was rewarded with a good catch.

Like Peter, we must also rise to the challenge to follow God’s plan in our lives. What God’s calling does is make us aware of our unworthiness. But we need to be aware that God calls us not according to our unworthiness but according to His grace and mercy. Our dependence is on God.

It is because of God’s grace that we can follow Christ’s command to not be afraid. All we need to do is faithfully obey God and trust God to do His part.

In 1 Cor 15:1-11, God’s grace is what makes our calling possible. it is by faith to the Gospel of God that we are saved.

Homily recap by Sally Illustre

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