April 10, 2016 Sunday Worship (+Bp. Ricardo Alcaraz)

“Making Known Christ’s Forbearance”

Acts 9:1-16; Revelation 5:11-13; Psalm 30: 1-5; 11-12

“It’s only as we recognize the risen Lord that we find and we discover our purpose for life”

“God is a God of order”

“Before you were born God already assigned you His will & purpose”

Gospel: John 21:1-14

1.) (v.1-3) When we are discouraged, let’s not look for answers outside of God.

2.) (v.4-8) We need to remember Him that we might remember what we have received from Him.

3.) (v.9-14) We are strengthened as we remember who we are in Christ.

“Even during quiet times, God watches over you closely”

“When we obey the Lord, we walk in the blessings of God – Because HE IS ALIVE!