Go and Proclaim: LORD JESUS’ Authority over all!

First Reading: Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32

Responsorial Psalm: Ps 25:1-3; 4-5; 6-8

Second Reading: Philippians 2:1-4

Gospel Reading: Matthew 21:23-32


Salvation is a gift that God gave us, but we need to receive it. And repentance is the most important response to salvation; we are not just turning away from sins, we are returning to God. The essential thing in repentance is acknowledgment; acknowledgment of our sins and turning back to the Lord and setting more of our hearts to God.

The goal of repentance obedience to God. Why do we need to obey? In order for us to live out everything He has prepared for us. That life God intended for us to live and with that life goes the power and authority of God. Our obedience will lead us to walking in this authority. (Fr. Jun Peñalosa)

The second part of today’s sermon was delivered by Bp. Jun Abogatal. As watchmen of the church, it is their responsibility to give warnings (Ezekiel 33) for they will be held responsible for the death of the man who died because of that sin. And this action often creates offense, confrontation, and even misunderstandings between people because we’re used to moving and doing things on our own. But God intends for us to live with one another, so it is important for us to hear our leaders and submit toward their authority.

Numbers chapter 12, reminds us to become submissive and obedient to the authority God has placed on our leaders. Miriam and Aaron who were questioning Moses’ actions were heard by God. This led to their punishment that hindered them in moving forward to the place God has promised them. As our appointed leaders, we need to understand the underlying responsibility and authority God has placed on them in our behalf. We may not fathom the main idea, but we can put solely our trust on the process by submitting and obeying them. For submission and obedience will lead us to God’s revelations in our life.

Bishop Jun also reminds us that God keeps on moving and using us, St. Michael’s Church in spreading the Gospel, encouraging us to use the seed that Primate Dick planted in our hearts. We have been given gifts and talents by God, so we must use it now as we go forth for transitions, urging especially our youth to become more active and bolder in sharing and laboring for the works of God.

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