April 25, 2021, 4th Sunday of Easter

Theme: “Living in Christ: Protected by the Good Shepherd ”

Homily by Fr. Andy Ilustre

First reading: Acts 4: 5- 12

Second Reading: 1 John 3: 16- 24

Psalm Reading: Psalm 23

Gospel Reading: John 10: 11-18

The gospel illustrates the love and compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ. It compares His personality to a Good Shepherd. A shepherd who is willing to take care of His flock, to bring the flock into greener pastures, to protect them, and to lay down His life for them.

The gospel also portrays us as defenseless flock. We only survive because of the care and protection of the shepherd. Apart from Him, we are prone to all the perils of life, and we can do nothing.

This gospel also differentiates the real shepherd from a hireling. The hireling only does his job because of the pay. He does not walk the extra mile and go beyond his work because there is no love and compassion for the flock.

Jesus Christ is our Good Shepherd and we are His flock. His flock knows His voice, because He gave us a relationship by giving us His Words, promises, and most especially His divine covenant.

Because of that covenant, we can walk in the valley of darkness, having confidence that He wil not leave us nor forsake us.

So as a flock, when we hear the voice of our Good Shepherd, we should not harden our heart.

If we follow the Good Shepherd, we will not go astray but will be led into the path of righteousness.

Homily Recap by Boy Tana

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