July 18, 2021- 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Theme : “Living in Christ: Motivated with Compassion”

Homily by Fr. Andy Ilustre

First Reading – Jeremiah 23 : 1 – 6

Second Reading – Ephesians 2 : 13 – 22

Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 23

Gospel Reading – Mark 6 : 30 – 34

In Mark 6:30-34, Jesus asked the disciples to take a rest for a while. The word “rest” here means to go to a secluded place where we can pray to God. God wanted us to know how important it is to come to Him. As we come to seek God, we come with hunger and thirst with desires and longing for Him.

In verse 34, Jesus saw a multitude. He is moved with compassion because they were like sheep without a shepherd. As a church, we will not move only because it is our duty or obligation. We must also move with compassion.

Remember, God is our shepherd. We should cast all our cares upon Him for He cares for us.

Seek Jesus. Seek God. Those who are weary should come to Jesus for He is a compassionate God. God expects us as a church to come to Him. So as a church, we cannot reject His people especially those who are in need. As Christians, let us move with compassion, just like what Jesus did

Homily Recap by Sally Illustre

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