July 11, 2021, 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Theme : “Living in Christ: Courageous Laborer”
Homily by Fr. Erel Villanueva
First Reading – Amos 7 : 7 – 15
Second Reading – Ephesians 1 : 7 – 14
Responsorial Psalm -Psalm 85 : 8 – 13
Gospel Reading – Mark 6 : 7 – 13
Our gospel reading today is the continuation of last Sunday’s topic – “Focus on Mission.” Our Lord taught the disciples how to do the mission since they were the ones who would continue the ministry of our Lord. He stressed that there will be rejection and opposition, especially in our own family and hometown. But nevertheless, the Lord showed them not to give up or be hindered but to continue preaching the gospel to other people.
Today, He called, sent, and empowered His 12 disciples to embark on their first missionary journey. They had learned and seen from Him what to do; now it’s their turn to do it. The Lord taught them, including us, about missions for I believed that this is now the direction God wants us to go as a church, to expand, make disciples, and build churches.
After the disciples had been commissioned as His representatives, He taught them some practical tips in mission. He emphasized the importance of teamwork as He sent them two by two. He told them not to carry any resources and trust in His divine providence instead. He told them to stay in one house, learning to be content and thankful in every situation. He encouraged them to continue even in the face of rejection and opposition. As they obeyed and went to mission by faith, God proved to them His faithfulness and the power of His Word through signs and wonders. They had learned a valuable lesson that when the Lord of Mission is with you, there is hospitality and victory in the midst of hostility.
Recap By Fr. Erel Villanueva
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