4th Sunday in Lent

March 19, 2023

Theme: Go and proclaim: “In His light, we received true sight”

First Reading: 1 Samuel 16:1-7

Responsorial Psalm 23:1-2, 3-4,5-6

Second Reading: Ephesians 5:1-10

Gospel Reading: John 9:1-11


Do you know that God has a plan in your life?

Do you know God’s plan and purpose for your life?

Two significant questions that often strike us and make us confused when we try to find the answers. We then tend to worry, get scared, stressed and anxious of the many things in our life. But in reality, we are just spiritually blind. We do not see life the way God sees it. We can see because of the light that comes in to our eyes. And we often judge by what we see physically. But not God. He always sees our heart. A heart is something no one can see, yet it is what God is always looking at.

In the time of Jesus, when a man is born blind it is considered a curse. But the Gospel reading today teaches us more about spiritual blindness. We are all born spiritually blind; blind to see the purposes of God in our lives. To be spiritually blind means not being able to see and understand the things of God. As humans, we judge by what we see; but with God, He sees the heart. As God’s children, we are supposed to see the things that God can see; see His plans and purposes in our lives. But sometimes, we cannot because we refuse to let the light of Christ come in to our spiritual eyes and to our heart.

Spiritual blindness is not about sight, but rather vision. Sight is for our eyes; vision is for our soul. Vision is the ability to see things according to how God sees it. And we all have this ability. But unless we let Christ’s light come in to us, we will remain blind. So how can we free ourselves from this kind of blindness? Let us just focus our eyes and minds on Jesus. Scripture tells us that it was Jesus who came to the blind man. It was His will to heal him. Remember, it is always God’s will and desire for us to see, to be healed and restored.

Saint Paul encourages us to walk as Children in the Light. We were once in darkness, but through Christ, we now have light. Let us walk then with vision, seeing things as God wants us to see. Let us open that spiritual vision in us and focus on the truth that God loves us. And when we do, we start to remove the plank that is in our own eyes and begin to see the goodness of the people around us, making our life better, happier, and joyfully enjoying the beauty and grandeur of the earth.

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