Easter Sunday

Theme: Christ Conquering Death, The Rejoicing Of His People

Psalm Reading: Psalm 114

Epistle Reading: Romans 6:3-11

Gospel Reading: Matthew 28:1-10

Homily by Fr. Romie-Jun Peñalosa

Today, we are celebrating Christ’s resurrection, a victorious overcoming of death, a time for great celebration.

Easter’s message is always about the risen Lord. But do we know that this message is also a challenge for us? The resurrection of Christ is not just something we recall in our mind or think and talk about. It is something that has an effect in the renewal of our lives.

First reading emphasizes our baptism, where we died already to our sins with Christ. The more we realize this, the more we understand that we should not live this kind of life we have right now for it has been dead and buried with Him.

Father Jun summarizes today’s Gospel into the following points if we are going to move forward with the new life Christ has given us:

  1. Change whatever your agenda in life is and go fulfill His purpose. Since we have a new life, God’s agenda must be the first to be seen and manifested.
  2. Do not be afraid. A righteous man, though he may fall seven times, always rises and tries to move forward again. Holiness is not about being perfect. To be holy means every time we fall, we never run away from God.
  3. Rejoice. To rejoice is something we need to learn. It must be done intentionally. We can be miserable in life, but choose to rejoice and be filled with joy.

As a church, we should be strengthened because the new life brought by Christ’s resurrection is our strength itself. Let our life then, be a proclamation of Christ!

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