June 25, 2017, CEC Foundation Day & 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Proper 7)
Theme: “The Family of God: Under The Tutelage of Its Master”
Homily by Fr. Fernando Ilustre

“God reminds us to continually walk in the plans and purposes He has set for us.”

Jeremiah 20:7-13

Romans 6:1-11

Psalm 69:10-18

Matthew 10:24-33

Kinds of fear

  1. fear of persecution (v.24-26) – Jesus said “Do not fear.”. Persecution should not stop us from doing the will of God in our lives.
  2. fear of death (v.28) – Our life here on earth is temporary; but God’s plan for us is to be with Him until eternity
  3. fear of not being valued (v.29) – God sees you as an asset to His Kingdom; See yourself as God sees you.