26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Theme : “Living in Christ: Pursue God’s Purposes”

September 19, 2021 –

Homily by Fr. Jun Peñalosa

First Reading: Esther 7: 1-6, 9-10

Second Reading: James 4: 11-12

Responsorial Psalm: 124: 1-8

Gospel Reading: Mark 9 : 38 -50

God has a purpose for your life, but you should not be a stumbling block to others because God also has a purpose for them.

Don’t be a stumbling block to others who are working for the kingdom and to those who are starting in the kingdom of God.

Don’t be a stumbling block to yourself.

You should remove things that would cause us to stumble like things we do, places we go and things we see or hear.

If God placed an obstacle in our path, it is not a stumbling block, it is a stepping stone to bring out the character of Christ in us so that we could season the world with our Christ-likeness.

Homily Recap by Dcn. Val Magbiro

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